Help & General Ordering Information

Parts Lookup:

Are you looking for that part that must surely exist but hasn’t been found yet? The one that enables your equipment to reach its full potential?  Contact Us! And we will see what we can roundup for ya!

Pricing & Availability:

We don’t want to break the bank, so we’ll do our best to stick to the prices we’ve published. Just like prices, product availability fluctuates too – nothing is certain in this chaotic material realm! So whether an item is yawning from boredom or running around dancing may depend on what mood it’s in. For that reason, all prices and product availability are subject to change without any prior notice; sorry folks, sometimes turbulence is inescapable.

Limited Warranty:

Don’t take our word for it; Monroe Truck and Auto Accessories puts a guarantee behind its parts. For defect free materials and workmanship you can trust, we provide parts with a 30 day warranty from the date of purchase! See what we mean? Just go ahead and give ’em a shot — but in case you’re feeling a bit hesitant, don’t hesitate to check out our Refund and Return Policy for any information regarding returns that are not related to our warranty.

Manufacturer Warranty:

We offer lots of brands and manufacturers with their own unique warranty information. Take a browse through their website for your specific warranty needs. If you have any questions Contact Us!

Minimum Order Amount:

Minimum order amount? Pfft, that’s foreign language around here! Not to worry — we don’t have any minimum order amounts! We think it’s better for everyone to be able to shop their heart out, big and small. So, if you want one item or a thousand items: you’re in the right place!

International Orders:

We know everyone loves our materials, which is why we hate to tell you this disappointing news: Unfortunately, we are currently closed for international shipping. That’s right, that message isn’t a mirage–we are only processing orders within the US right now. Hopefully things change soon and those of you located beyond our US shores won’t feel left out.

Domestic Orders:

Every other state in the US can enjoy our awesome products through our speedy shipping! But for the two outliers, Alaska and Hawaii… Well, that’s a whole different story. We’re still looking for the best way to get it done, so there might be a bit of a wait! Keep checking back: we won’t give up until everyone across America has access to what we have to offer.

Payment Options:

Paying by credit? Yes, we do that! Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express are all accepted here—in addition to PayPal and P-Cards. C.O.D..? ABSOLUTELY not… at least not yet! We may yet come around one of these days, who knows?

We also accept POs for municipalities, schools / universities, hospitals—you name it. Need more details? Don’t hesitate to Contact Us!

Shipping Policy:

The great news: All non-LTL items (like the goodies handled by USPS and UPS ground) that are in stock will be departing for their new and exciting homes within 1 to 2 business days. For those who are living in the hours – that means a rapid 24 to 48 hours! But all good things come with conditions *wink wink*– Any orders that need to ship LTL (freight truck) that are in stock will be shipped out – slow and steady as she goes—in 3–4 business days!

Did you miss the shipping deadline? Don’t worry, procrastinators of the world rejoice! Any orders placed after 2:00PM EST will still be processed – though it may need to roll over to the following business day.

Keep in mind that your order ships complete — unless you choose otherwise. Makes sense, right? But unfortunately, those partial shipments? They might come with extra shipping fees. FYI!

Shipping Product Liability and Freight:

We ship “FOB Origin, Freight Prepaid and Charge Back.” Fancy words, right? It sounds complicated, we know that. So, let’s break it down for you… First off, “FOB Origin” basically means we ship the product, and you, the customer, are then responsible for it once it leaves our facility. Second, with “Freight Prepaid”, that’s us being super nice and paying the freight upfront before delivery so you don’t have to “C.O.D” it, think of it as a short time loan. Lastly, “Charge Back”… while this may sound menacing like “Charging back your purchase,” we promise it’s not in this case. This is just us saying that you’ll be billed / charged for both product and freight later. No bad surprises out of left field here!

Defective / Damaged in Transit:

Defective verse Damaged in transit? Sure, they sound the same—but you’d be surprised to find out they don’t carry the same meaning! For items that just didn’t meet your expectations—you’ll want to dig into our Refund and Return Policy.

Items can definitely get damaged in transit and while we strive to pack them securely, sometimes things just happen. So, let’s say you get some sensitive freight less intact than it was when it left our warehouse—what to do? Here’s a few key ideas:

• First, don’t let anyone leave without documenting any potential damages – that means filling out paperwork together if they provide something like that, or just having them note these issues as you sign your receipt.

• Once those docs have been filed away safely, it’s picture time—good photos are crucial for making sure the issue doesn’t go unseen by anyone who can make a difference. Plus, future damage insurance documentation is always useful.

• Trust us—we’ll have your back!! After photos have been taken, reach out to us in terms of taking this hassle out of your hands. Even though technically shipments are not our responsibility, we’ll make sure to help out as best we can with damages like these! But without your documentation and photos our hands are tied. So help us help you!

P.S: Hey there! Just one last reminder – if you think a claim needs to be filed, don’t go throwing out any packaging material just yet! Those boxes and wrappers are your ticket to gettin’ what you’re owed and they might want proof that something got busted along the way. Keep ’em safe, okay?

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